Guestbook of a Heart/ Südame külalisraamat

Guestbook of a Heart


I am more and more interested in deeply personal traumas and experiences that leave a permanent mark to your mind and body. The first performance of that kind was “Guestbook of the Heart” in Living Art Museum in Reykjavik, Iceland. I had an image of an notebook page permanently tattooed to my left breast in red ink, with empty spaces for the signatures of my future
lovers. Every person you have ever loved leaves a mark to your soul. Why shouldn`t it be visible in your body also…

The guestbook of a heart was tattooed to my left breast during a performanceof the same name in collaboration with the coreographer Peter Anderson in Living Art Museum in Reykjavik, Iceland in August 2005.

Südame külalisraamat


“Südame külalisraamat” põhineb ideel, et olulised inimesed (ja sündmused) jätavad inimese hinge oma jälje. Miks ei võiks need jäljed ka ihul — antud juhul nahal näha olla, näiteks vastavasse tabelisse tätoveeritud, südamesse läinud inimeste autogrammide näol. Südame külalisraamat tekkis mu vasakule rinnale samanimelise performance`i käigus, mis valmis koostööd koreograaf Peter Andersoniga Living Art Museumis Reykjavikis augustis 2005.








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Guestbook/ Külalisraamat