Voice of God Karaoke

Voice of God / His Master’s Voice


Based on the recording of speaking in tongues, a religious practice spread in many Christian congregations known for their fanaticism. The subtitles in International Phonetic Alphabet are added.

This video was used for the series of the participatory performances of the same title in 2007-2009 in Berlin, New York, Alytus, Lithuania and Tartu, EstoniaJumala hääl


Videos on kasutatud nn keeltes rääkimise lindistust. Tegemist on paljudel kristlikes kogudustes levinud religioosse praktikaga. Lisatud on subtiitrid rahvusvahelises foneetilises tähestikus.

Videot on kasutatud mitme publikuosalusega performance`i juures aastatel 2007-2009 Berliinis, New Yorgis, Alytuses Leedus ning Tartus




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